
Annette - Headshot

How did it all begin for me, this journey with photography?  I can’t remember the exact order of events or the exact year.  But I like to look back.   Once upon a time, long ago, just after college when I was trying to figure out what to do with my life, I studied photography.  I fancied myself a photographer, maybe. I did not become a photographer.

Years later, I found myself   loving the colors of spring, the beautiful pinks and purples and whites of the trees.  One day it occurred to me that I could capture them in photographs  and have them with me all winter.  So I took some pictures.

Around that time, my daughter was in college and took a black and white photography class.  I lent her my camera that my parents had bought for me way back when.  She continued with a color photography class.  We bought her a camera.  I told her that when the class was over, I would like the camera.  And so began my journey.  I got the camera and quickly realized that I had no idea what all the new bells and whistles were all about!  So I took a class to learn how to operate my new toy.  When the teacher suggested I study photoshop, it was as if something had been placed in my heart.  I fell in love with taking photographs.  Which led to adding my little thoughts of inspiration to the photos.  I get such joy out of finding something in a photographs that speaks to me and adding the caption to it.

All of his leads to the wish that my words and photographs can inspire others to see the beauty all around us and inside of us, and to strive to nurture that goodness that is within us.